Oh, How I Love Turkey Day!
Last year, I really didn't get to enjoy Thanksgiving as much as I did this year. I was such a little puppy and I hadn't really started asking for human food (well too much.) Well, I was on a vacation again for Thanksgiving and at my Grama's house everything is really low, like for short people. So, I can easily get my self up onto the counter, not fully, and I can see everything. They had such a feast on Thursday. Oh, and it just smelled soooooooooooooooo good! They had turkey and potatoes and this and that. Well, I have a very nice and loving and great and wonderful grama that decided to give me some turkey and carrots. I loved it. Very very yummy. My panda and my momma said that I could lick out the turkey platter too! I think that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so far. At the top are some portraits that my panda drew of me for the Thanksgiving festivities!!!! Woof!